Why Us


What you don’t know can hurt you! Background checks are essential in today’s environment. Whether it is pre-employment, tenant screening, a potential mate or partner and or business association. There are a lot of people in today’s world who have an undesirable past or there are things they would prefer you just didn’t know about them. The better informed you are the better the decisions you can make for yourself. Know what you are getting into before you invest money, time, your heart, your business or property and or possibly your life. Take control of your future or business and protect yourself. You have worked hard for what you have.

Doing  background checks, the benefits include:

Pre-employment – choosing the best-qualified people.

  • Discouraging undesirables from applying.
  • Discouraging fraudulent documents.
  • Eliminating uncertainty – you need more than resume and your gut instinct.

Tenant screening – the wrong tenant could be your worst nightmare come true.

  • Insight into the character of potential tenants.
  • Habits and living style – (short or long term tenants).
  • Avoiding lost rent or damage to your property.

Potential mate or partner – the wrong mate is not right for you.

  • Avoiding the possibility of heartbreak.
  • Knowledge about who you are choosing to be with.
  • Avoid putting yourself at risk.

You have a right to know. Be smart! Be safe! Be informed! Make the right choices.



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