Frequently Asked Questions:



1Q:    Why two separate items and pricing (search request and reports)?

1A:    A search request may yield more than one name. When we do a through check of our database, for example, John Smith may come back with multiple names. There may be a John Smith, John C. Smith, John Earl Smith, John Jr. A. Smith, John Sr. A. Smith, etc. Some names are pretty common. When this happens we inform the customer who made the request via e-mail. With this information, you as a customer you can decide on which reports you wish to purchase.

2Q:    Is age or DOB (date of birth) of the person important?

2A:    Yes, It helps to narrow the search for the right person requested. There may be more the one name of the person you requested. Ex: John A. Smith – age is 23 of 11/1/99 and John A. Smith – age is 49 as of 12/3/00. The two John A. Smith’s are different people and may live in the same city.

3Q:    How up to date is the information you provide?

3A:    Information in our database is updated daily as it becomes available. It comes from a number of different sources. We strive to keep it current and accurate.

4Q:    What if I misspell a name when I make a request?

4A:    This may sometimes happen. You may contact us via e-mail through the web site or through techsupport@uronfile.com. We will honor the mistake and make the right search for you.

5Q:    What if the name is not in your database?

5A:    This may happen. If so, that person does not have a record in our files. In any case we still notify you of the results of the search.

6Q:    How about alias’s or aka’s (also know as) names?

6A:    A search request may generate two separate records for the same person. If so we will provide both reports as if they were one.

7Q:    What are meaning of some of the abbreviations  (CPCS, AUO, OGA, etc) that appear on the report?

7A:    We have a definition page on our web site where you can access this information to better serve you. We use the abbreviations to help condense some of the mass amount of information we input. This page may also be helpful in clarifying other terms as well.

8Q:    What are the dates the appear in the background history section for?

8A:    Those dates represent when the information became available to us or when the action occurred. It also helps us internally with our database management.


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